Tobias Truvillion
Keusi (Tobias Truvillion) a war vet. He is always a man who knows whereof he speaks.

Taylor Edwards
M’Balia (Taylor Edwards), is strong, determined, and a devoted revolutionary. She is not unfeminine, but displays her womanness only when she feels it suits her.

Michele Morgan
Nzingha (Michele Morgan) a college educated woman. Strong, well-muscled, and stern. She speaks in soft tones.

Lester Purry
Radcliffe (Lester Purry) a moderate Black man who thinks he is doing the right thing. Possibly educated at white schools. Trumplican. Conservative. Tim Scott type. Polished.

Henrí Franklin
(Henrí Franklin) full of fire. Could be a good leader if he would calm down and check things out.

Terryl Daluz
Geronimo (Terryl Daluz) a fiery revolutionary. Leader of the local chapter of the American Liberation Front. Quick-tempered; a flair for the dramatic. At times he seems almost unreal.